Pump Operators
The concrete pump operator directly controls the material placement system’s functions. Pump operators shall NOT be responsible for hazards or conditions that are not under their direct control and adversely affect the placement operations. When the operator doubts the safety of the placement operation, they shall stop the system’s functions in a controlled manner. Placing operations shall resume only after safety concerns have been addressed. (27-
Review the requirements for the placing job with the pour supervisor before operations.
Know what types of site conditions could adversely affect the operation of the placement system and consult with the pour supervisor concerning the possible presence of those conditions.
Understand and apply the information contained in the manufacturer’s operating manual.
Understand the system’s functions and limitations as well as its particular operating characteristics.
Refuse to operate the material placement system when any portion of the system would enter the danger zone of energized power lines, except as defined in Paragraph 27-
Perform frequent inspections as specified in Paragraph 27-2.1.2.
Promptly report to a designated person the need for adjustments or repairs.
Follow applicable lockout/tagout procedures.
Do not operate the system when physically or mentally unfit.
Follow procedures to ensure that the danger of hose whipping is minimized.
Do not engage in any practice that will divert attention while operating the system controls.
Test the system function controls prior to beginning operations; do not proceed if it creates a hazardous condition.
Operate the system’s functions, under normal operating conditions, in a smooth and controlled manner.
Know and follow the procedures specified by the manufacturer or approved by a qualified person for assembly and disassembly; set up the material placement systems.
Observe each outrigger during extension, setting and retraction—or use a signalperson to observe each outrigger during extension, setting or retraction.
Know the standard and special signals as specified in Section 27-3.3 and respond to such signals from the signalperson who is directing the machine operation. The operator shall obey a stop signal at all times, no matter who gives it.
Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for securing the unit before leaving it unattended.
Do not use a concrete delivery hose as an end hose unless an anti-hose whipping device is properly installed.
Comply with the training required by Paragraph 27- (m) when using compressed air for cleaning.
Ensure any delivery system removed from the placing line is cleaned to prevent blockage.
Know that the decision whether to add water to the material belongs only to the site or pour supervisor.
Inform the pour supervisor of the proper steps to be taken if air or a foreign material has entered the hopper.